Stevenson is pleased to present Hotel Universo, a solo exhibition by Guy Tillim. Moving away from the colour photography that has characterised his recent projects,
Tillim returns to his archive and his darkroom to produce new black and white images for three bodies of work, each presented as a unique photobook.
The first, from which the exhibition gets its name, focuses on the built environment, reflecting the ways in which history and the passage of time are inscribed through the processes of construction, maintenance and disrepair. The images were taken in Mozambique, Angola and the Democratic Republic of Congo between 2003 and 2007, their abstracted form offering the viewer a window through which to observe the brick-and-mortar residue left by the collapse of regimes. Tillim states:
'I didn’t determinedly set about photographing vestiges of colonial power. I was simply fascinated by the place I found myself in, the sensation of it, and the feeling of being utterly lost in fact, so different was this environment from the one I grew up in.'
Second Nature, taken in French Polynesia between June 2010 and March 2011, places emphasis on that region’s natural landscape. In the making of Second Nature I, the initial iteration of these works, Tillim described a fascination with the area’s ability to elude convincing representation. Reading through debates, including those had by the artists who accompanied Captain James Cook's 18th century voyages, Tillim remarked at their parallels with present questions about the complexities of judgment and control around image-making. To one such question, ‘How much do you “give” a scene and how much do you let it speak for itself?’ Tillim now responds:
'In the end my solution was to try and - I know this sounds trite, but - let the place speak through me, as it were; speak for itself, in other words. To my mind this meant looking for some kind of equality of the elements that I was looking at through the camera - the sea, the mountain, the palms. Not to trade in clichés, or to say too emphatically what was photographed.'
Dar es Salaam and Abidjan takes its cue from street photography and places emphasis on individuals. The pictured crowds engage in commerce, travel and other acts towards the fulfilment of needs. Tillim combines elements from different frames to create new scenes of urban life ‘so particularly ordinary [they have] effortless grace’. He adds:
'I suppose I’m playing with time really. The scenes all happened; not in that sequence maybe, but with another throw of the dice, who knows ?'
Click to view photobooks with audio commentary by the artist
Hotel Universo, 2020
Guy Tillim, Maputo, Mozambique, 2008
Oleão que Ri - Smiling Lion building designed by Pancho Guedes, Avenida Kwame Nkumah, Maputo, Mozambique, 2007 -
Guy Tillim, Democratic Republic of Congo flag painted on an administrative office wall, Likasi, 2007
Guy Tillim, Beira, Mozambique, 2007
Quelimane, Mozambique, 2008 -
Guy Tillim, Luanda, Angola, 2007
Maputo, Mozambique, 2007 -
Guy Tillim, Beira, Mozambique, 2008
Guy Tillim, Beira, Mozambique, 2008
Beira, Mozambique, 2008
Guy Tillim, Beira, Mozambique, 2008
Maputo, Mozambique, 2007 -
Guy Tillim, Likasi, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2007
Guy Tillim, Mobutu Sese Seko’s palace at Gbadolite, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2003
Guy Tillim, Hydro electric project, Congo River, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2003
Guy Tillim, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2003
The Red Room, Mobutu Sese Seko’s palace at Gbadolite, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2003 -
Guy Tillim, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2003
Guy Tillim, Kuito, Angola, 2002
Maputo, Mozambique, 2008 -
Guy Tillim, Quelimane, Mozambique, 2007
Beira, Mozambique, 2008
Guy Tillim, Colonial era statue and memorial in storage, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2003
Guy Tillim, Beira, Mozambique, 2008
Guy Tillim, Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2007
Maputo, Mozambique, 2007 -
Guy Tillim, Maputo, Mozambique, 2007
Huambo, Angola, 2007
Guy Tillim, Maputo, Mozambique, 2007
Guy Tillim, Former cinema, Luanda, Angola, 2007
Luanda, Angola, 2007 -
Guy Tillim, Mobutu Sese Seko’s palace at Gbadolite, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2003
Guy Tillim, Luanda, Angola, 2007
Guy Tillim, Maputo, Mozambique, 2008
Entebbe Airport, Uganda, 2006 -
Guy Tillim, Likasi, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2007
Guy Tillim, Statue commemorating workers who died during the construction of Kinshasa, Matadi railway, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2003
Tervuren, 2002 -
Guy Tillim, Likasi, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2007
Guy Tillim, Likasi, Democratic Republic of Congo, 2007
Maputo, Mozambique, 2008 -
Guy Tillim, Quelimane, Mozambique, 2007
Guy Tillim, Mausoleum and memorial to Laurent Desire Kabila, Kinshasa, Democractic Republic of Congo, 2003
Guy Tillim, Malanje, Angola, 2004
Huambo, Angola, 2007
Second Nature, 2020
Guy Tillim, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 2010
Hiva Oa, French Polynesia, 2010 -
Guy Tillim, Bora Bora, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Tahiti, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Mo'orea, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Hiva Oa, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Hiva Oa, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Hiva Oa, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Huahine-Iti, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, 'Ua Huka, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Mo'orea, French Polynesia, 2010
Tikehau, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Hiva Oa, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Hiva Oa, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Mo'orea, French Polynesia, 2010
Guy Tillim, Nuku Hiva, French Polynesia, 2010
Dar es Salaam and Abidjan, 2020
Guy Tillim, Dar es Salaam, 2017
Guy Tillim, Dar es Salaam, 2017
Guy Tillim, Dar es Salaam, 2017
Guy Tillim, Dar es Salaam, 2017
Guy Tillim, Dar es Salaam, 2017
Guy Tillim, Dar es Salaam, 2017
Guy Tillim, Dar es Salaam, 2017
Guy Tillim, Dar es Salaam, 2017
Guy Tillim, Abidjan, 2017
Guy Tillim, Dar es Salaam, 2017
Guy Tillim, Dar es Salaam, 2017
Guy Tillim, Abidjan, 2017
Guy Tillim: Hotel Universo
Previous viewing_room
Stevenson is pleased to present Hotel Universo, a solo exhibition by Guy Tillim. Moving away from the colour photography that has characterised his recent projects,
Tillim returns to his archive and his darkroom to produce new black and white images for three bodies of work, each presented as a unique photobook.
Click to view photobooks with audio commentary by the artist
Hotel Universo, 2020
Second Nature, 2020
Dar es Salaam and Abidjan, 2020